fase s bahasa Inggris
- fase: stage; phase
- s: s; s, s; t; m
- fase-a: a-phase
- alihragam fase: phase transformation
- bagan fase: phase diagram
- beda fase: phase difference
- diagram fase: phase diagram
- distorsi fase: phase distortion
- dua fase: biphase
- faktor fase: phase factor
- fase (pertempuran): phase (combat)
- fase (planet): planetary phase
- fase airy: airy phase
- fase benda: phases of matter; phase (matter)
- fase bulan: lunar phase
- Also, it indirectly inhibits several T lymphocyte-specific kinases and phosphatases, hence preventing their transition from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle.
Juga, secara tidak langsung menghambat beberapa limfosit T spesifik kinase dan fosfatase, maka mencegah transisi mereka dari G1 ke fase S dari siklus sel.